Our feature family presentation on “family values” sounds more of a fairy tale than what obtains in the real world but I tell you what? It’s real, real and nothing but REAL.
In recent times, families have lost its essence and the once placed values on families are lost and replaced with incessant “Separations, Divorces, Adultery, Hate, Rivalry and other social vices”.
In the days of our forefathers, families (even the very polygamous ones) were bound in love, unity, respect for wife, husband, elders and siblings. The reverse seems to be the order of the day in today’s marriages and homes. Wives blame husbands while husbands blame wives for decadence in family values. Who really takes the blame?
Family Values are the primary tenets on which families are founded, raised and appreciated. They are those things that make families worthwhile. These include: Integrity, Trust, Love, Understanding, Respect for self & others, Faithfulness, Truthfulness, Humility and above all, the fear of God.
A perfect example of a family with its values intact is one in which the husband of the house lays perfect solid foundation by first loving his wife, provides for his family, raises his children in the fear of God, upholds the belief of “FAMILY FIRST”. He not only spends quality time with his family, but teaches them also, the importance of mutual respect, understanding, peace and love in the development and advancement of family.
Most today’s families got it all wrong by making wrong choice life partners. Many today’s marriages were built on lies, materialism, fame and selfish gains. With due respect to the ladies, most of them refused to look beyond the ordinary when it comes to marriage. They are easily attracted to material things and as such, turn blind eyes to the man behind the wealth. When reality sets in, only then will they realize the man they got married to lack in almost everything a marriage needs to work. Same thing applies to men who focus all their attention on ladies’ beauty and physical appearance more than the inner qualities required for sustainability in marriages.
It is horrifying to note that most young married couples engage in extra marital affairs owing to the reasons given above. Most embarrassing is the fact that most of our young married men see nothing wrong in this. With due respect to our men, they are the most guilty of committing adultery. What fun is there outside that can’t be created within your household? I need answers from the men please. The women are not exonerated as some have been caught in the act as well.
All hope is not lost as there is good news to us. Abia Post found out that there are still exceptional men out there bent on upholding family values against all odds. This family’s story can only be compared to those found in Fairy Tales’ but right here in our midst is a PERFECT FAMILY WITH ITS FAMILY VALUES INTACT.
Dear Readers, we present to you, THE NWAIWUs:

AP (Abia Post): May we get to know you sir:
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: My name is Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu
AP : And your wife?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: Mrs. Ifeyinwa Hadasha Nwaiwu
AP: How and When did you meet your wife?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiuwu: (Laughs and thinks), At a friend's wedding in Terminus Hotel, Aba on August 14th, 1994 to be precise. She was the bride's chief.
AP: What attracted her to you?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: Her colour and calm nature. It was so real and original.
AP: How did you approach her?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I suggested to take a photograph with her and the brother who happens to be someone i know. They agreed and we took a photograph, a copy I kept and cherished. After the wedding, I never got to see or hear from her again till four years later when she came for her baptism in my church. It was then I got to know she was based in Awka, where she attended the wedding from. Her presence in my church for her baptism rekindled my interest in her.I didn't take any further chance in getting to know her properly and before we knew it, we became husband and wife.
AP: When did you get married?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: 24th October, 1998.
AP: Is your marriage blessed with child/children?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: (Laughs)Ofcourse, they are the ones you are seeing now. Four boys and one girl. The girl, Nancy, is the first and marked her birthday today, 17/6/2012. Duke is next to her, 11years. Justice is the third and 9years. Shallom follows after Justice and is seven years. The baby of the house, Eva is 5years old.
AP: What is responsible for your youthful look?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: My wife, she is fitness crazy so i keep in shape for her. She also makes sure I eat rightly by cooking and providing the right meals.
AP: What is your normal day like?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I leave the house mondays-saturdays by 8:30am & return 6pm.
AP: What is your relationship with your children like?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: Intimate. I am very close to each of them.
AP: Do you have any favorite child?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: No. I will discourage parents from having a favorite child because it breeds and encourages envy from the lesser loved children towards the favorite one and this is not good for the unity and peace of the family.
AP: What has been your biggest marital challenge?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I don't really have marital challenges per se. The only initial challenge I had was infusing the two families together.
AP: What has kept your family united?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I must say it's the fear of God, Prayers, support and understanding from both families.
AP: Most women complain of infidelity from their husbands, what do you say to this?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I am of the view that marriage is sacred and should be kept so. I do not subscribe to extra marital affairs and advice men in such habit to desist and respect the tenets of marriage as the bible instructs.
AP: Are you saying you are not party to this allegation?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I am married to my wife and shares my bed with none other.
AP: What advice do you have for both young and old married couples?
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: I want couple to understand that there is no spefic formular for marriage and as such, should stop trying to be like the next door neighbour. Let them be themselves, understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, support each other, create fun within the house and above all, invite God to be the ultimate head of the family. Once there is mutual understanding and respect, everything naturally falls into place.
AP: It's been a pleasure being with your wonderful family. Thanks for your time.
Emmanuel Ekene Nwaiwu: You are welcomed anyday. Thank you and God bless.
Mr. Emmanuel Nwaiwu is an astute businessman with a humble beginning who through hardwork and committment has grown his business to International Standard. He deals on all types of High Class Laces.

Rightly said, if our families can go back to the core, maintain our family value system then we can restore our society!
ReplyDeleteLovely family by the way:)!
Jane, thanks so much for your advice, that' the essence of the post. We hope families are reading & will heed to your advice.
DeleteEight years after and I am reading this😅. A family is the smallest unit in the society. Family values are most important to help raise responsible and productive adults as well as citizens of a state.